Roma Education Fund Project – Tutor Coordination Meeting in School Braka Ramiz i Hamid, 3 February 2020

Another February coordination meeting with tutors to welcome them into their work, encouraging them to be motivators and role models to our children who will attend tutorship sessions in the coming period. Tutors, mediators, coordinators, school director and the Municipality of Suto Orizari sharing ideas, experiences and mutual motivation.

Local School in Suto Orizari Opens an Activity Garden for Primary School Children, 18 Dec 2019

Our REF project partner for the recently started tutoring Roma children project, Braka Ramiz i Hamid school have presented their other activities for their pupils – children activity and learning garden project.The school activity garden will serve for social inclusion games, developing motoric and cognitive skills with the elementary school Read more…

Roma Education Fund Advocacy Conference on Roma Children Education Opportunities, 26-27 Nov 2019

Roma Education Fund organized an advocacy conference in Belgrade between 26-27 November 2019 with the aim of sharing expertise and experience amongst REF project partners who presented their advocacy ideas regarding the higher quality education for Roma children in primary and secondary education system In the SEE region. The conference Read more…