The Barka Foundation from Poland hosted project partners from North Macedonia, Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic within the international project called Social Economy without Borders. The study visit was conducted in the period of 6-9 September 2019 with the aim of exchanging professional experiences and good practices on social entrepreneurship between the 4 partner countries. SIEC and other Macedonian partners such as Arno, Ljubeznost, Misla, Solem, together with the Salvation Army from Cezh Republic and the Commune of Revfolup Hungary, visited several Polish cities with a developed social entrepreneurship culture. The city of Poznan and the municipality of Krobia hosted the final project conference on social entrepreneurship, sharing their positive experiences and crucial socio-economic challenges. The following study visit will be organized in North Macedonia in October 2019. Valuable lessons of the visit are that local and regional authorities need to play a crucial role in developing and supporting social entrepreneurship in the country and that collaboration between the NGOs and the institutions is important for initiating social economy and economy of solidarity in the region.