SIEC participated in a TACSO 3 project NGO consultation meeting on the “Needs Assessment Report of Civil Society of the Western Balkan and Turkey . Put in the words of the project team, “the purpose is to inform the EU TACSO 3 Capacity Development and P2P Core programme design to be implemented during 2020 and 2021. It will also serve to inform the Guidelines for EU support to civil society in Enlargement countries, 2014-2020 (EU Civil Society Guidelines) monitoring process and its review. The Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN) was selected and engaged within the EU TACSO 3 project framework to conduct the needs assessment which encompassed the Western Balkans and Turkey region, including North Macedonia. With this meeting, the EU TACSO 3 wants to receive feedback and inputs to ensure validation of the assessment results and design its programme for civil society in a participatory manner.” According to SIEC, transparency and accountability are not related merely to finances but should rather involve consultations and constant dialogue between the NGOs and their local, national and international institutions.